Heartillery Group and Hero Helpers Join Together to Fulfill Urgent Requests For Our Troops in Afghanistan

Press Release

Foxboro, MA (March 10, 2014) – Hero Helpers of America, Inc. and Heartillery Group have joined efforts to fulfill requests from military service members of items they are running low on. In an email sent to Hero Helpers of America, items in high demand are basic essentials and simple items such as shampoo, protein bars, mixed nuts and dried fruit to snack on. Both organizations have called this personal mission Hero Heart Collection and will be accepting items until June 22nd, 2014. The collection will be the first of many projects the two nonprofit organizations have planned. Both organizations are asking for schools, businesses, clubs/organizations and the community to contribute immediately in the form of greeting cards, care package items and/or financial donations.

“There are still thousands of military men and women currently stationed in Afghanistan and it is our duty to do our part and make sure we can take care of them. This is a simple and effective solution,” said Eliopoulos, Founder of Hero Helpers.

“When Lauren shared the news, I didn’t hesitate. We came together and created a solution. These men and women serve and sacrifice for us so its important to be of service for them in return,” said Spencer, Founder of Heartillery Group.

This collection hits very close to home for these two women and their families. After Spencer’s husband Scott has been in Afghanistan for over 11-months, he is scheduled to return home in late March where a welcome home gathering is scheduled to celebrate the return of him and his Unit by Avon VA Post 8892. Meanwhile, Eliopoulos’ younger brother, a 19-year-old active Marine currently in pre-deployment leave will be on his way over to Afghanistan in April. In the meantime, Lauren and her brother George expect to be working on the Hero Heart Collection. Both Eliopoulos and Spencer have plans to make sure Scott and George meet.

This is Hero Helpers and Heartillery Group’s first time teaming up. Both have sent numerous packages and cards on their own in the past several months. Hero Helpers of America sent over 11,000 holiday cards this past winter while Heartillery Group accomplished over 20,000 cards in their recent Valentine’s Day Card Collection.